QQ International V1.0(1910) Today Remover [new]

I dislike the patcher generatered by the CodeFusion,so I created this one ,and till now it works fine.click here to download the patch file (better place that file in to the qq installed directory(C:\Program Files\Tencent\QQIntl\Bin as default) and execute the patch).and then u can delete any plugins u want.

Any Problems ,leave a message here,thx. laugh

Ps: Do u know who’s the girl on the patch window?


* 网站名称:obaby@mars
* 网址:https://nai.dog/
* 个性:https://oba.by/
* 本文标题: 《QQ International V1.0(1910) Today Remover [new]》
* 本文链接:https://www.nai.dog/2010/12/2295
* 短链接:https://oba.by/?p=2295
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    1. 公主 Queen 
      Opera 11 Opera 11 Windows 7 Windows 7 cn山东省济南市 电信


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    Without a doubt, I come here for the get the girl’s name.

    1. 公主 Queen 
      Opera 11 Opera 11 Windows 7 Windows 7 cn山东省济南市 联通

      yep, I know she is a fake, just for fun .But what a beauty,lol.
      I don’t know her name untill u tell me .

  3. Level 1
    Firefox 3 Firefox 3 Windows 7 Windows 7 cn内蒙古呼和浩特市 电信

    win7 64位系统下好像不能用,打了补丁之后打开QQ还是会弹出today。
    and then u can delete any plugins u want.

    1. 公主 Queen 
      Firefox 3 Firefox 3 Windows XP Windows XP cn福建省厦门市 电信


  4. Level 1
    Firefox 3 Firefox 3 Windows 7 Windows 7 cn内蒙古呼和浩特市 联通


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    Opera 11 Opera 11 Windows 7 Windows 7 cn辽宁省沈阳市 联通



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